Saturday, June 22, 2013

Monster's {YOU}niversity

Twelve years ago, I was sitting in a big red chair with a small bag of popcorn on my lap, my feet barely touching the ground of the movie theater, and my legs swinging in impatient anticipation.  Let me tell you, this movie was the talk of the summer.  Humor, monsters, Disney and Pixar combined...  My ten year old mind almost burst with excitement as family and friends waited for the lights to dim and the previews to start.  Monsters, Inc. was going to be awesome! 

I remember as the opening credits came on all the way until the closing credits came on feeling and looking something like this:

 I. Loved. That. Movie.

So, naturally after going through twelve years of life -- all the way through junior high, high school and college -- when I found out there was a Monsters, Inc. II coming out, my ten-year-old heart jumped in excitement and joy.  Finally!  Get out of the way kids, I've been waiting twelve years for this!  You better believe I was first in line; these kids just wouldn't understand.

Being one of the oldest in the theater without a child as my excuse of paying to see a G rated movie, my 22-year-old mind digested the movie a bit differently than my 10-year-old mind did.  This movie was awesome!  Because life had thrown me some minor curve balls during those 12 years in between movies, I was able to watch the movie with an objective mind and relate to it quite well. 

You see, I just graduated from college.  It was only three years ago that I had the same feelings that Mike Wazowski and James Sullivan felt during the movie. 

Will I fit in?

What if I fail?

I have to prove myself to everyone I encounter!

Et cetera . Et cetera. Et cetera.

I left the theater feeling so motivated and inspired to follow my dreams.  There have been plenty of people who have told me that I can't do something, leaving me feeling even more stubborn and determined to prove them wrong.  But even though I put on that facade in front of the nay-sayers and scooby-don'ts, it's still discouraging to hear someone tell me to my face that I can't accomplish a certain dream of mine.

Granted, there are only three people (four including God) in this whole world who know what I truly wish to accomplish with my life.  I've been blessed, or cursed... depends on how you look at it, with a dreamer-like personality.  I can literally sit in my room and dream and scheme for HOURS about what I'm going to do with my life, how it's going to look and all the in between stuff.  It's a blessing because when I'm bored (which happens a lot), I find something new to do.  It's a curse because I sometimes overwhelm myself with my imagination --- I don't know where to start!!  I can do anything I want, which results in me telling people that I have no idea what I want.  It's because I want it ALL!  

*Spoiler Alert* Mike Wazowski faced failure and rejection at almost every point in his life.  He wasn't scary, he was forgotten and destined to be anything BUT a "scarer".  Even the Dean of the Scare School told Mike he wasn't cut out to be a "scarer", that he didn't belong at Monsters University.  How devastating. But that just pushed him to work harder and prove to himself and everyone else that he could do what he always dreamed of, what he was passionate about.  He always stood up for himself and the underdog, because he understood what it meant to be an underdog.  James Sullivan was popular, scary and outgoing.  People expected him to be a great "scarer" --- he didn't even have to try. 

Throughout the whole movie, Sully learns what it's like to stand up for other people and to do the right thing.  He got kicked out of the fraternity he was in because Mike out (book) smarted him during his final.  Although Mike and Sully are enemies for a good portion of the movie --- always competing and never working together --- they learn to work as a team, accomplishing the same goal: to get back into the scare program. 

It just warmed my heart to see a solid movie with valuable life lessons being shown.  Even this 22-year-old college graduate learned something from this movie: Never back down.  Never give up.  Believe in yourself.  Believe in others.  Do good.  Live life to the fullest.  Be you.

So folks, I don't know about you, but I'm going to start RIGHT NOW pursuing and living my dream.  Those three people in my life will just have to keep me accountable.  Who knows, maybe you all will know what my dream is soon!

Following my dream,


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