Sunday, August 11, 2013

I'm A Real {grown-up} Girl!

Just pause for one second.

Pour yourself a cup of coffee or a steaming cup of tea.

Find your favorite chair, and while you're there take a seat.

Because I've got the best story in town.  And I want to share it with you.

My story stars me as the main character and my God as the director.

If you remember my last post (ok maybe it was a couple posts ago) I was royally freaking out about finding a job.  I just couldn't see what God was doing or where God was taking me.  I was getting a little frustrated.  I just wanted to know!  Well, come to find out, God really does see the whole painting when we only see the first layer of paint.

Que the "Duh, Katie.  Everybody knows that" from the audience.

Yeah, well, it's easy to remember that when you're not freaking out about something (even something as small as where you are going to live in the very near and looming future).

The opening scene has me sitting on my big comfy lime green circle chair on a summery Friday night cuddled up in a blanket watching "Hitch" for the first time ever.  (Don't judge me)  During the movie, I hear my phone make the infamous text message tone, and I look to see who has contacted me.  My friend says that she has a friend who is looking to fill a job position at the company she works for.  My friend wants to know if I would be interested in her setting up an interview for me with her friend.

I jump at the chance to interview and get all psyched and prepared to go in for the big day.  I make the three hour trek back to the Chicago land area to interview for this position.  I can't go into all the details otherwise we will be here for five days, but let me just say that GOD PROVIDES!  I had three things on my mind that I constantly prayed about for 6 months when it came to moving back home and my career in general.

Those exact three things were answered during my interview without me even having to ask.

Um, what?

I was offered the job on the spot, and sobbed all the way home from the all-day long interview.  Why did I sob?  Because my heart was overflowing at the goodness and faithfulness of God.

Interview day!

Just wait, my story gets better.

I go back to my short term home, IWU, to finish working at my favorite coffee shop, McConn Coffee Co.  My last day working at McConn is Friday, July 26th.  My first day of my new career is Monday, July 29th.  My fear of going months and months without a job after graduation is now zapped into thin air never to steal one more minute of peaceful slumber from me again.

I arrive at my new workplace starting my life as a working, professional business woman and learn that I get to make my very first business trip six days after my debut.

I'm shaking in my shoes with excitement and terror at the thought of flying alone, getting a hotel, calling for cabs and meeting what seems like a million strangers (soon to be familiar co-workers), navigating myself around a city I've never been to (without getting lost --- Heaven help me), and flying home.

I can do this.  I have confidence in me.  I start my adventure by driving to Midway airport.

Que "I Have Confidence" music:

The lyrics of this song start flowing through my mind...

"What will this day be like?  I wonder.  What will my future be?  I wonder.  It could be so exciting, to be out in the world to be free.  My heart should be wildly rejoicing, oh what's the matter with me?  I've always longed for adventure, to do the things I've never dared.  Now here I'm facing adventure, then why am I so scared?!

A flight all by myself.  What's so fearsome about that?

Oh, I must stop all these doubts, all these worries.  If I don't I just know I'll turn back."

Yep.  Julie Andrews narrated my whole weekend.  She reminded me to have confidence in myself.  I owe her huge.

Needless to say, I survived my first trip alone.  I didn't get lost.  I actually loved it and decided that I want to travel more often!
Corporate trip #1! 

I think I'm a big girl now.  No more comfort zone living.  I have been stepping out of my comfort zone for the past two weeks and God has been with me every single second.  During the sermon I listened to this morning, I was reminded that when we pray, God is right next to us.  The General of the Heavenly Host is standing right next to us whispering in our ears and hearts, "I'm right here.  Let's go do this.  We can conquer anything.  I'm on your side and will fight right next to you".

I don't know about you, but when I need to fight against doubt, fear, lies and oppression, I'm super glad and relieved that my God will be right next to me.  He will answer my prayers, provide in ways I never could have imagined and love me no matter what.

Now that my story is coming to an end, I just want to leave you with this reminder....

When God holds the pen to YOUR story, the plot changes and changes, but He remains constant and stable.  Trust and believe in God.  Sometimes it's hard and not fun, but trust me friend.  It's way worth it when He shows more of the painting He is working that is called Your Life.  He will answer your prayers, provide in ways you never could have imagined and love you no matter what.

Sleep well, dream big dream, and trust that God has your life in the tender palm of His mighty hand!

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