Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Thoughtless Wanderer

Well this post is extremely overdue.  Shame on me for not keeping up with this.  I mean who doesn't want to read about the extreme randomness that flows through my head at any given moment?  But right now I'm having writer's block.  I've literally been sitting here staring at the blinking cursor for 27 minutes and 14 seconds and not a single thought has floated through my head.  My brain is all fuzzy and I feel like:

What the heck is wrong with me?

Sometimes I think that life gets way too much in the way.  I just want to karate chop it in the face and say, "Slow down, you fool!"  It then usually gets mad and speeds up even more.  What a gentleman.  

As I reflect on the last couple of months of my life, I feel like I have been running in circles not really accomplishing anything.  It's a terrible thing to feel, I know.  But sometimes I just can't help it.  I love my job, I love my friends, I kinda love grad school, and I love my family.

So what's the problem, you ask?? Well, I don't know.  You tell me.

I've been trying to fully grasp the concept of Philippians 4:11 "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content in all circumstances".  But let me just say that the struggle is real.  Really real.  I want to know how Paul learned that!  As opposed to my very first blog post ever, Less Than Adventuresome, I've kind of learned how to go on adventures and actually love them!  (I'm not talking skydiving or swimming with sharks kind of steps people.)  It's hard to be content with life when I'm not seeing any of my kind of adventures become reality.  But hey, there's a time for everything and everything has its time.

I'm going to sign off as the Thoughtless Wanderer and leave this horrendous post to rest.  Maybe next week I'll be inspired to write something more beneficial and thought provoking.  But for now, I'm going to just live life and enjoy today, because no one is guaranteed tomorrow.

Keep dreaming and keep living, friends!

Katie xoxo

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