Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Execpect the Unexpected

So, I wake up this morning and the sun is shining.  I can't believe that it is 55 degrees out today!  Sometimes, we just need to thank the Lord for the pleasant, unexpected surprises that He gives us.  I hate winter.  The only time I can accept the cold, snowy weather is the week before Christmas, but then not a day after that wonderful holiday.  It seems like we just by-passed winter this year.  Fine by me!!

Today I just could not stop smiling.  I don't know why.  It was like all this energy was waiting to burst out of me.  It was just a grand day!! I love people: meeting them, getting to know them, and cherishing moments with those I already know.  Laughing is one of the biggest parts of my life, hopefully people don't see me as cranky because I would not like that!

I don't really have anything to say other then ENJOY LIFE!  God's presence is so real and well, present. (I had to :) ).  I can't wait to see what He has in store for me and my family and friends.  I've been struggling with completely being ok with handing over my future to Him, but lately it's been good. Worrying all the time about my future was not cutting it for me.  I finally realized that living my life day by day is good, and FUN! Yeah there are crappy days, and days where I just want the world to end, but everyone has those unfortunate ones. 

Well, I can't even come up with a coherent thought, as you can tell by my complete rambling.  I think all the caffeine from the coffee I had earlier today is getting to me.  Note to self: Stop being addicted to coffee.... HAHA! Yeah, like that's gonna happen.

Good night friends, dream pleasant dreams, and be excited for the lovely future God has in store for you and the loved ones in your life. :)

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