Sunday, February 5, 2012

Are you for real?

Have you ever had one of those days where you feel totally drained and don't know what to do with yourself?  Well, today was one of those days for me.  I spent all weekend working on homework.  I just wanted to rip my books apart when I finally decided to stop working.  Sometimes I just get into these super productive moods (granted most of the time it takes awhile to actually get IN to the super productive moods -- but once I'm in them, there's no turning back).  I don't know.  It was just an off day. 

I decided to re-read my earlier posts and talk with my dad, but I still had this weird feeling.  I wanted to grab that rubber band and snap myself again to get out of this weird attitude.  In one of my classes the professor made us take a personality test.  The results of mine did not surprise me one bit, in fact it was pretty creepy how accurate they described me.  But in doing this test and having my prof talk constantly and in depth about it, I have become more aware of the people around me that have layers.  You don't get what you see.  That bothers me.  A lot.  I think I'm a pretty straight forward person, but I'm not going to tell you my whole life story the first time I meet you.  I want to get to know you first and really know if I can trust you with my feelings, dreams and goals.  There are some people, especially on this campus, who put up a front and show people what they want to see.  Regardless if they like you or not. 

I think I've just been noticing this and realizing how our generation is huge in tolerance.  We just go with the flow with everything that's going on in the world.  We go to a school where drinking is the "in" thing... so we drink.  We go to work where it's ok to cheat on paperwork... so we do it.  Despite our true beliefs and morals.  Acceptance is the key word here.  That is so frustrating to me I can't even stand it.  Why can't we just all be ourselves.  May our yes be yes and our no be no.  I'm sick of people telling me one thing and then the next day doing something totally different.  I want to get what I see.  I want the real person to talk to me.  No games.  No trying to figure out what you really believe. 

Have you ever thought that?

Yes, I have been blessed beyond measure for the people that God has placed in my life.  I have great friends who show me their real selves, and I love them dearly.  I thank the Lord every day for placing them in my life.  Let's go out and be transparent with people... show them the love of Christ they need to see. We can ALL work on that -- every day -- every minute -- every second.  Let's change the world, but first we need to be R E A L.

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