Saturday, January 21, 2012


Today, I am talking to the ladies of the world. 

Ok, men, you should probably listen too. 

Ladies: How many times have you felt like the world was judging you based on your looks?  Let me guess.  A million kagillion times!  With today's society, it's hard not to feel crappy about yourself.  Hollywood throws all these picture perfect models in our faces with the expectation of the rest of world to become just like them.  Size 00, perfect complexion, certain styles, certain skin tone ... the list goes on and on.  I'm a girl, so I understand the overwhelming pressure to fit in and look model perfect to get a guy's attention.  But guess what.  WE DO NOT HAVE TO LIVE THAT WAY.  Live a healthy lifestyle, yes.  But don't starve yourself just so you can fit in that pair of jeans.  Don't wish you had a certain body type and beat up on the one that God gave you.  Who says what body type is the type to have?  Embrace yourself and get comfortable in your skin.  I can't stress that point enough.  You are who you are for a reason.  God does not make mistakes when He creates something.  Honor your body, live a healthy lifestyle, but do not wish for something you do not have.  That's coveting (which is a whole new topic).

Men: Encourage your woman.  Give her the confidence she needs to get through the day.

Ladies: True beauty comes from the inside.  I have read so many articles/books/blogs about beauty, and I just can't seem to understand why it is so hard for us to really grasp that concept. I realize that talking about this topic is like beating a dead horse, but I believe that it is one that we need to hear every single day.  If a guy does not treat you with respect or dignity, he's not worth it.  It's no wonder girls feel like they have to measure up to something more.  Most men in this generation do not know how to truly pursue/encourage a woman.  So we fall back and try to impress them by being someone we are not -- Hollywood.  Forget Hollywood.  It's not real life.  We are real life.  The pictures they show us and the models they come out with are so fake it makes me sick.  Why do we want to be like that? 

Men: Tell your girl that she's beautiful.  Because you mean it.  Because you see her for who she is on the INSIDE and not only what she looks like on the OUTSIDE. 

Ladies: We girls need to take a stand and get comfortable in our very own skin.  You are not a mistake.  You are beautiful.  God loves you deeply, and I believe it crushes Him when we think of ourselves as ugly, or a waste of breath.  He wants to tell us daily that we are cherished and beautiful -- We just need to be willing to listen and believe Him.  Will you accept the cup that He has given you?  He loves you!!

Men: Thank you for helping us.

Know & believe this truth TODAY! -- click to watch

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Shalom = Peace.  What is it like to be totally peaceful?  I have no idea.  My life is constantly going a million miles per hour.  At the end of the day, all I want to do is feel this incredible peace... let's be honest.  That only happens a handful of times.  Have you ever wondered why our generation is so go-go-go?  I can't imagine a life where I just sit around doing nothing, worrying about nothing and just taking it easy.

Life. Is. Crazy.

I realized today that people actually care about other people.  (Ok, pretty dumb realization, but that's what happened today).  Someone that I do not know spent an hour giving me advice and suggestions on how to run my business.  I WAS SO PUMPED!  How can we not be peaceful when people really do care and want to help us out?  I guess this is just another thing that we need to learn as a society.  I need to learn it for sure.  I always think I'm insignificant, but then God knocks at my heart and says, "Um, excuse me.  I did not make an insignificant being.  I never do.  You are significant."  (Sometimes He needs to remind me of that a lot. :) )

Mother Teresa said, "A smile is the beginning of peace".  Maybe all we need to do is just start smiling throughout the day.  Even to people we don't like.... smile at them.  Even when we do not feel like smiling.  Just smile!  I have a feeling that peace starts with one's attitude.  If you make a conscious effort to have a positive attitude, then you will be peaceful.  One of my professors passed out rubber bands to us in class the other day.  He said that the purpose of them is to snap ourselves when we catch ourselves having a bad attitude.  Let me tell you, that day when I wore the rubber band, my wrist was so red because I was snapping myself so much.  It put things into perspective for me.  I wasn't peaceful because I let myself go in my bad attitude.  And of course, one can only be truly peaceful when they have the love of Christ in them.  I can't even imagine what my life would be like without God, when it's this much of a struggle to be peaceful everyday with Him to remind me to calm down.

So my friends, be peaceful.  Rest.  Smile.  Enjoy the day.  Laugh a lot.  Life will be so much more fun and enjoyable when you learn to laugh at everything (including yourself).

Click here to start smiling :)

Shalom. Love. Joy.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Less than Adventuresome

Hello Bloggers, I am welcoming myself into the world of blogging.  Many people have told me that I should start a blog, so for awhile I have toyed with the idea of starting one.  Only problem is: I have no idea how this works.  Or what the heck to write about.  So I'm just going to be rambling on and on about pretty much anything that pops into my head. 

Today, I realized that I am prone to being less than adventuresome.  I have no sense of adventure whatsoever.  Why is this, I wonder.  I was talking with a friend today, and she mentioned that she wanted to go camping.  My immediate thought was, "Wow.  My idea of camping is in the hotel across the street from the campground!"  I sometimes think that skydiving, climbing a huge mountain, traveling around the world in 80 days, trying to figure out time travel, being stuck on a magical island running for my life away from mysterious people that I would call "The Others" -- (ok, maybe not that one so much) -- would be so fun! But then I get real for a microsecond and say to myself, "Please Katie, you wouldn't do any of that if someone paid you a bazillion dollars!" It's just not my personality.

Why is it do you think, that people get scared of doing something incredible for once in their lives?  I know I get scared A LOT!  The craziest thing I've ever done was write my name in wet cement.  (I  thought I would get in serious trouble if I got caught. Baby steps...)  Who cares what other people think?  Life is about living it to the fullest and making every single second count.  God wants us to enjoy this life (within His guidelines, which He clearly writes out for us in the Bible).  Yes, it can be scary, and no I have not grasped that concept yet.  But He does not want us to live in fear, or hold back all that we can do for this world because of that fear.  I once heard of a guy who hitchhiked from Tennessee to Colorado by himself.  What?!  I would never do that.  In fact, I know I would get lost, starve, and then die.  I know I would not enjoy that at all.  But that was his adventure, and he glorified God throughout the whole thing.  He made memories that would last forever. 

I dare you to live your life to the fullest.  God does not want us to live in fear, but to live for Him and do wonderful things in His name.  You can do crazy fun things and still proclaim the Gospel of Christ to those who need to hear it.  Look at Tim Tebow.  He is the ultimate example.  He pursued his dream, achieved it and now continually gives all the glory to the Lord.  Think about how many people he has impacted because of not being afraid and constantly being on an adventure.  Now don't get all crazy on me, but learn to live a little outside your comfort zone.  I need to.  Who knows, maybe I'll finally grasp this concept and my adventure will be achieving my little girl dream of impacting the world by being a part of Disney's creative team!  (Hey, a girl can dream...)

Tell me about your crazy adventures, either that you had, or that you would like to do.  Life is short.  Go for your dreams and don't let anyone tell you that you can't do it.  You can do all things through Christ you strengthens you!