Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Real Beauty & The Beast

This pep talk goes out to every living, breathing human being ...




"Do you understand the words that are coming outta my mouth??"

I have absolutely had it with the bullies in this world.  Whenever I encounter a sincerely mean person, I so badly want to smack them upside the head and say, "Excuse me!  Can't you see that you are literally sucking the life out of this person?"  But the shyness in me wins out every time.  I swallow my fight, and usually walk away.  How terrible is that?  I want to have the strength to stand up for people and not care at all what might happen to me.  People don't deserve to be treated this way.  God did not make human beings just so they can rip each others' souls apart and leave them out to dry.  Geesh.  I'm ranting, I know.  But I just feel so strongly about this, and it's time we change the world.

Calling all World Changers!
such determination for such a small person.
Let's stand up for each other.  Let's be nice to people... yes, even people we may not like very much.  They still have feelings and troubles of their own.  Just think, the simplest gesture like smiling at someone can change their attitude about the day.    

I can honestly say that I have never been truly bullied, but there have been many instances in my life that have knocked me down and made me feel less than the scum on the earth for a long time.  Now that I'm an adult, I see it all so clearly ... people can be straight up mean.  Why do people feel the need to make someone else feel so terrible?

Friends, let's start spreading goodness and not hatred.  Let's build each other up, because the good Lord knows that words can do some serious damage.  Let's remind others every chance we get about how beautiful they are.  Let's not be the ugly scary beast in their lives.  Let's help them see the true beauty that flows from them.   Let's be filled with love.  Let's share the love with others.  Soon everyone will be awesome!  Let's give people a reason to dance!!  Let's all put on God's glasses and change the stinkin' world!

You are loved.

You are treasured.

You are precious.

You were made to be awesome.

That is all.


XOXO Katie