Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Real Talk ... Random Rant

Ok, people.  Let's get real here.  Do you ever feel like running away as fast and as far as humanly possible?  I mean forget about fighting the dragon named Life that's guarding the precious treasure of peace that awaits you in the highest room of the tallest tower.  Forget about the armies of evil that seem to surprise attack you with flying monkeys and swirling curses any chance they get.  I'm all for running away fast and furious to the comfort of what I know to be safe and sound.  I'm a damsel in distress here not a warrior with courage and guts and brains and whatever else a knight in shining
armor has.     

Life is one of the hardest things ever, and I've had it pretty good these last 23 (practically 23) years of living.  So why am I complaining when there are others who have had way worse cards dealt to them? 

I wouldn't say I'm complaining.  I'm more like acknowledging the fact that life sucks sometimes.  Lately I've been pondering way too deep of questions for my little brain to process overnight.  These life questions are consuming me, and knowing myself, it will drive me crazy not figuring out the answers until either the Good Lord reveals them to me.... or I die.  I'm praying for the first scenario.

I'll spare you all the excruciating detail of the questions that just make me want to run away forever and never look back, but through it all I've come to realize that I really only need one answer in life.... Jesus.  I know "Jesus" is the cliche answer to every Sunday School question, but seriously guys... Jesus is the answer to everything concerning life. 

Even though my mind can over think every possible situation, if the answer doesn't align with what Jesus taught me in the Bible then forget it.  Jesus isn't the master of confusion, He's the author of truth.  Life can be extremely confusing at times.  I mean, the world we live in now is just straight up terrible.  It's no wonder people get lost and confused all the time.  Even Christians.

I think I'm done ranting.  I just wanted to let you all know that everyone goes through times when they're trying to figure something out, whether that be concerning their faith, work, love or life.  Friends, just remember that in any area of struggle, Jesus is the answer.  If you place your delight in Him, He will purify your soul, give you peace, rest, and He will light your way in the dark. 

Life is hard, but don't run away like I want to at times.  I'm learning that sometimes the best thing to do is to be the knight in shining armor and not the damsel in distress.  To face that dragon and those flying monkeys straight on with courage and strength that can only come from the Lord Himself.  He'll protect you, and you'll win the ultimate treasure at the end of the story.  It may not be true love's kiss (but hey, I'm still holding out for that one!), but it could be the peace you've been longing for.  It could be the joy you've missed having in your heart.  I don't know what the treasure you're looking for is, but Jesus does. 

Good night friends.  Turn that mind off, and stop thinking.  Sleep well and fight hard.  I feel like I'm going to dream about dragons and sword fights and prince and princesses.  I think I'm still a toddler at heart.  Oh well. I <3 fairytales.

XOXO Katie