Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Gerard Butler, Snow White's Granddaughter, & Pumpkin Coffee

I am dating Gerard Butler a la 20 years younger.  He's perfect.  My own prince charming.  He's about to take me on a most precious date when my grandparents, Snow White and Prince Charming, decide to come over to my castle and greet us.  I find this unexpected visit delightful and quite normal despite the fact that my grandparents' physical conditions make them look like a fellow couple in their 20s.  All is right in the world as Snow White and I sip green tea and chat about the most recent books each of us has read while Prince Charming shares advice with young Gerard on being charming and how to treat his lady like the true princess that she is (that would be me!)

All of a sudden, a great gust of wind appeared and darkness fell over the land.  A storm the size of a tsunami came in and a woman that looked like the child of the wicked witch from the west and Regina the evil queen from Once Upon A Time popped up out of nowhere and tried to kill us all.  Fortunately, my Gerard is determined, brave and strong.  He fights off the evil being, saves the world and wins my heart all in the matter of 2 seconds.  He sweeps me off my feet, whisks me away to his castle and we lived happily ever after as king and queen.

Then I hear the sound of a drum and the world starts to shake violently.  I'm suddenly sucked up into the air, and after an exhausting struggle, I realize I'm lying in bed with my alarm going off and vibrating on my night stand.

AHHHH!  I just had the best dream in the entire history of dreams!  After I realized that I was just dreaming, I smashed my head back into my pillow whispering "go back to sleep, go back to sleep, go back to sleep".  Unfortunately, I have never had the ability to finish my dreams.  Stink.  I get up and decide that today is going to be a grand day.  I mean, the fact that I married Gerard Butler and was Snow White and Prince Charming's granddaughter for probably 2 whole minutes is enough to make for the best day ever!

Then I realized I'm not in fantasy land anymore.  I'm in the real world, facing real world problems and learning real world solutions.  UGH.  I don't know how many of you are in a 'growing' stage in life, but I sure am.  Throughout the current changes in my life, I've felt too young, not smart enough, not good enough... I've felt like a loser, failure and like a child playing 'grown-up'.

One day, I was having such a pity party for myself : I hated not feeling in control, like I didn't know anything, like I wasn't Miss Perfect anymore and God totally interrupted my party for one.  He took His glasses off and gently put them on my face.  It was out of nowhere that I was able to see myself like He sees me.  Yes, learning lessons and growing is hard work because God usually shows us something about ourselves that isn't pretty.  It amazes me that just when I think I know myself pretty well, God shows me something else I need to work on.  It's never ending.  But then again, being a Christian should never be ending.

On my way home from work this evening, I heard a song called "He Is With Us".  The lyrics of this song just melted me....

"We can trust our God
He knows what He's doing
Though it might hurt now
We won't be ruined
It might seem there's an ocean in between
But He's holding on to you and me
And He's never gonna leave, no
He is with us, He is with us
Always, always
He is with us, He is with us

Perfect.  He is with us... always.  Through everything we are going through.

Even though I didn't have the best day ever that I was so sure I was going to have, I ended it with a cup of pumpkin coffee (aka perfection in a cup) and the assurance from my real Hero that I will always be rescued and fought for no matter what challenges in life I may face.  And that, my dears, is my happy ending to today.  Don't ever give up, keep on fighting and going through the struggle because God is waiting for you at the finish line.  He is teaching you because He loves you.  Amen and amen!

Good night, friends!!  And dream crazy dreams!

xoxo Katie <3