Saturday, December 8, 2012

Let Go and Let God

"Let Go and Let God" --- we've all heard this phrase before.  We have all either rolled our eyes at whoever said it to us, or we've embraced the meaning and ran with it.  I used to roll my eyes.  I used to hate it when people told me to let go and let God.  What does that even mean?  How can I let go of something when I have it all figured out?

Well, let me tell you... I didn't and don't have it all figured out.  This past week I've realized so many things about myself that I really didn't want to know.  Katie is not perfect (shoot).  Katie is not strong (dang it).  But God IN Katie is perfect... God IN Katie is strong.  I like to control my plans and have everything all figured out in a neat and orderly fashion.  When something really stresses me out I usually wait until crunch time to figure it out (I work best under pressure) and come up with a plan of action.  I hate being stressed and freaking out.  Some people who only see me in a class room setting would never believe that.

I struggle with the tendency of being perfect.  If I don't reach that goal, then I've failed and take it very personally.  I realized this past week that I cannot do things on my own -- although I tried with all of my might.  I felt like I was on the very edge of a cliff, someone was going to push me over and I had no way of stopping them.  So much was going on that I tried to plan and schedule and control everything myself.  I freaked.  I was weak.  But you know what, our God is made perfect in our weakness.

His peace, His love and His mercy flowed down like refreshing water on my soul this week, reminding me of how loved I am, how precious and important I am.  It's easy to forget that... at least for me it is.  Verses like Philippians 2:14, Philippians 4:13, and Philippians 4:6 came racing through my mind one day at 4:30 in the morning.  I am usually passed out at that time, like any other normal person, so for my brain to even be thinking at that time is a miracle in and of itself.

I refused to complain once this week.  Holy cow.  Talk about an attitude adjustment.  An inner joy that just seeped into my heart and could only be from God stayed with me all week.  Yes, as Christians there will be mountain highs and valley lows, but we can make it a conscious decision to choose joy.  Complaining takes that joy away and the opportunity to praise God in everything is stripped from us.

I choose joy.

I will always choose joy... even in the hard days.

Now think about that phrase "Let go and let God" one more time.  Does it still make you roll your eyes?  Jesus came to Earth to DIE for you.  Why would He leave you now in the midst of your struggles?  Let go of complaining and controlling.  Let go of planning and organizing.  Let go... and let God.  Give everything up to Him and watch Him work things out for you.  Will you embrace this and run with it?

I'm telling you friends, it's the most freeing feeling ever!  I know there will be days when I go back to my natural Katie self... but God IN Katie is what I strive to live like everyday for the rest of my life.

Choose joy.  You never know who all you can be impacting just by the attitude you portray through out your day.  Don't worry or fret.  Don't complain or control.

Let Go and Let God.